The Santa Cruz Affiliate Challenge
Back Squats
258 fail...
so then
243x1 just to finish strong
Hmmmph. I was bummed to miss that one. I dropped my chest. I don't know why I did that, but I did and 258 was just too much for me to get up once the bar moved forward a couple of inches.
Power Clean and Jerk
7 rounds
5 Overhead Squats 53#
100 ft sand bag sprint 25#
8 ring pull ups
Time: 9:xx
This was great fun in the new gym! I had so much space, but then that also meant that it seemed like I had a lot more ground to cover. I was happy to work on OHS in a wod, but I noticed that even with the lighter weight, I missed my lifting shoes.
Then I did today's mobility wod with the help of my own personal mobility coach.
Then I finished with the special wod of "move gym paraphernalia" for time. Good times!