Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday's WOD

Skill: Snatch Complex
1 power snatch
1 heaving snatch balance
1 hang snatch

I just tried this again and again and again: at 33#, then 43, the 15 a couple of times, then back to 33 a few times...My shoulder flexibility leaves a bit to be desired and then for the 3rd time, last night, I had some sharp pain in the scapula area. That made it hard to keep the bar up. I'll have to figure out what that is.

3 rounds
2 minutes each round and 2 minutes of rest between each round
Row 200m
Max Reps Front Squat 85# (12-13-11)

This was one of the many times that I am reminded how great it is to have someone YELLING at you to keep going, to get one more lift. I kind of want to strangle them while they are yelling at me because I want to go slower, rest, or just stop, but I only kind of want to strangle them because I really do want the help... All evil thoughts cease as soon as the WOD ends. :)

I felt like I could be getting sick yesterday, but was determined to ignore it so it would go away. I still feel iffy today, so no class for me. I will however continue to strongly resist falling to whatever horrible cold everyone around me seems to have.

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