Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Choking myself with the front squat rack

Front Squat 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
170x3 PR

So my last 3 rep was 123# on 2/5/10. It still throws me for a loop when I get to a weight on a lift that feels really, truly heavy. I always think that what I am doing is hard, but there seems to be evidence that the 123 wasn't really hard. At 170, I could only finish it if I consented to grunting. I hate the idea of grunting. It is horrible. But I have noticed that I emit sounds now. Scary...

But seriously people, do you trainers not realize how exhausted I get when I lift something heavy?!?

3 Rounds
200 m run
21 KBS 44#
12 Burpee Pull Ups
Time: 14:05

Contrary to my first instinct and true love, I used the 44# KB. That is an awful number of swings. I like my dear friend, the 35# KB. I really missed it tonight. I even tried to swap out KBs for the third round so I could just knock out those 21 unbroken and get it over with. No such luck. I had to do the hard thing and stick with that 44#, breaking them into sets of 7. Why was it so hard? I don't really know. All I can say is that I finished it.


  1. Wait. Am I reading this right? Did you just go up almost 50 lbs on your front squat in one month?!? Holy SMOKES lady!! THAT IS AMAZING! You're my Crossfit hero.

  2. You should have grunted with the 44# KB on that last set.
