Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dumbbell Thrusters

Heavy Clean and Jerk
63x5, 83x2, 93x1, 103x1, 118x1 (PR)

then way too sore to try the 123...
Even though I was at the station next to Desmond who was effortlessly cleaning something like 400# (not really, but it was a lot.) His lift looked so smooth and effortless. He just was under that bar. None of his mad o-lifting skills transferred over to me at the neighboring station.

AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 broad jumps
10 db thrusters 25#
50 m. farmer's walk
Rounds-7 plus 8 broad jumps

Oh boy, did I fall in love with DB thrusters! I love the feeling of having the db above my head and my arms feeling like they are just going to plummet down to the side. Awesome! I wasted so much time on those thrusters because it was just so hard to get all 10 done at one time. I was trying to just mentally push through it and made it on a couple rounds, but failed on a couple others when I broke them into 5/5. This was not a fantastic decision, but now that it is over, and I am done complaining about how we obviously need another set of 20#s, I realize that I should just be more prepared to use the 25#s next time. I am confident that I will be stronger, so it won't be as hard. So as long as no one programs these in the next few weeks, I guess I'll survive.

1 comment:

  1. Tell me about it. You know how many DB C&J's I do in my program. A LOT. And sorry to be the bearer of bad news they're never less awkward. But they do make the "real" lift seam much easier.
