Friday, February 5, 2010

Can't Breath, day 2

Front Squat

Since this was the last 1RM I have recorded, clearly not my 1RM anymore!

WOD-Partner WOD (with my sis, Anna)
Part 1
20 rounds
5 ball slams 25#
sprint to the end of the box and back
(10 rounds each person)

Part 2
4 rounds
1 min row
1 min rest
Goal-260m each row
Me: 270, 260, 250, 260

Lest you think my pulls are that spot on, I rounded the numbers down since I have no number memory skills.

Another tough one...very good, but exhausting, very exhausting.


  1. even though your front squat is more than mine I will still win the Paleo challenge 2.0!
