Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Complex was too tough for my brain

Bent Over Row 5x10, super set with 5x10 modified ring dips

The rows were fine, the dips were not so fine. But that is good. I need to work on them.

3 Rounds
Complex 5 times:
power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
rack jerk
then 21 pull ups (jumping for me)
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
Time: 13:16
Penalties for letting go of the bar: 1

I started this one with 63# and moved to 73# for the third round. It was in this third round that I set the bar on the ground after the rack jerk. It wasn't necessary to set the bar down, but I just lost focus. So I got to do the penalty: squat hold for 1 minute, plank for 1 minute, bar hang for 30 seconds. The last 20 seconds of each hold was lovely, just lovely.

On other news, I had a goal of eating 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight. Couldn't do it. All you guys say this is easy, but it isn't. I'll try again tomorrow.

Random weight thought: I realized that as you lose weight, pull-ups become easier and push-ups become harder, less weight to pull up to the bar, but farther to push to get chest to deck. Life is rough sometimes.


  1. Haha, I like your closing thoughts, I have thought the same thing! I don't have very far to go right now from chest to deck... but then I watch guys do it and realize I could NOT do that.

    Also, really- 1 gram for each pound? Is this per day?!?! How is that possible?

  2. Wow. I'm kinda bummed I missed that WOD. It actually looks really fun. Talk about full progression, eh?

  3. It was fun! But then every wod has its own special fun, right? At least that is what we tell ourselves. :)
