Monday, July 25, 2011

An 800 m run?

Overhead Squats
53x2, 73x2, 93x2, 103x2, 108x2

WOD, partnered with Alvin
800 m run
50 front squats 103#
60 pull ups (scaled down from 12 rope climbs)
Time: 10:21

Sometimes it is hard for me to believe that Cliff actually likes me when I see a wod like this. In fact sometimes I feel like he just comes up with these things to torture and test ME. And then I have to admit that I am ashamed that I can be that narcissistic. The wod is not about me, I just feel like it is because I choose to exercise very little mental fortitude at that moment.

And I know that's a problem. I need to work on the way I allow myself to think about things that are hard. Honestly, sometimes that is one of the most challenging parts of CrossFit: the realization that I slip quite easily into fear and anxiety, or I begin to waver in my commitment to do what I know I should.

I could come up with a bunch of reasons for why I didn't want to run 800 m, especially with a partner, but none of them were good reasons. They were things like-it is hard, I have never run 800m in a wod before, I hate running, I will be embarrassed, I will hold someone back...

But none of those reasons are valid reasons to not do the run. I go to CF to do hard things. I go to do things I have never done before. I need to stop hating running because there is absolutely no reason for my disdain of it. Why would I be embarrassed now? Everyone there knows I am a slow runner. The people who started CF yesterday might now know yet, but I am pretty sure everyone else knows. It is common in a partner wod for each person to work differently, and that is one of the benefits of that type of wod. It happens, we all know it.

So even though I had that horrible pre-wod feeling in my gut, once I left the door, I determined to run the 800 m without walking and keeping a good pace (for me), so I knew I was going to have to relax, stop being irritated, and just put a smile on my face and keep my head up.

And as much as this post is about me, I also have to say that my partner was great!

And under Sam's advice and his faithful reminders, which I need since I quickly "run out of time" to complete mobility work-
Good Mornings 108#x7x3
Lots of shoulder mobility

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