all the way to the top.
Front Squats 4x3
I made it to 133 and just used that for three sets.
I was far more consumed with the rope climbs we were to complete in between our front squats...As someone who can't complete even ONE gymnastic move without assistance, the propensity of trainers to super-set pull ups, dips, rope climbs, HSPU, (cartwheels or some other totally crazy movement that they don't actually make us try, but I need some more stuff here to make it sound worse than it really is) is not fully appreciated by me. Sometimes I just ignore the instructions and sometimes I try.
There was no escaping the rope climbing attempts this week. I could not hide, and really while part of me wanted to hide, part of me didn't want to. I want to climb that rope! Why do I want to climb it? Because it is there, and because I go to a CrossFit gym to be pushed and encouraged out of my comfort zone into trying and accomplishing things that I couldn't do before. This is why I need all of my CF trainers, someone has to hold me accountable sometimes and not let me give up.
Attempt 1-clamp on and try to move, no movement
Attempt 2-clamp on and try to move, maybe 2 inches of movement
Attempt 3-clamp on and try to move, and I moved! This time when I willed my legs to move up the rope, they did it! So I made it half way up the rope. And then I kind got pretty worried about how I was going to get down, so I decided to stop there.
But I climbed the rope, even if it wasn't all the way to the top. I'll save that for next time. :)
It is amazing just how dramatic I can make a partial rope climb, isn't it?!?
3 rounds
6 power cleans 83# (subbed these for the power snatches)
12 push ups
24 box jumps 16"
Time: 8:11
What could have made this wod better? Probably some 400 m runs and burpees, and then this would have been all kinds of awesome wodness. But fortunately for me, the runs and burpees were left off, and probably only Golden would ever be mean enough to put all of these things into one wod that I had to do.
I'm glad I invented the rope so you could climb it. Congrats to me! I mean... You! I mean... Yes. For real though: good job.