Friday, November 20, 2009

CrossFit Writing Class??

Apparently, my high school writing class was "kind of CrossFit", or so said one of my students this morning. We were all confused by his comment, but then when I thought about it later, I realized that we did have a warm-up with our review, a skills session while we worked on the keys to successful timed writing, and the wod, when they freaked out a bit, was the unexpected impromptu speeches. Got to love teaching kids to be prepared for the unknown and unknowable writing challenges they might face. :)

5 rounds
1 thruster
2 jerks
3 front squats
me-53, 63, 63, 73, 83, 88

AMRAP in 12 minutes
1 DL 185#
2 box jumps
3 power cleans 73#
4 pike push ups

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