Thursday, January 21, 2010


Squat Clean 83#

Just working on technique today, trying to keep the bar close, and enjoying the solid landing with my lifting shoes.

Thrusters 63#
Pull Ups
Time: 8:34

I was able to get through the lifts by breaking the 21 and 15 into 2 sets. This is much, much improved over the last time when I think I broke the 15 up into sets of 3 or something like that.

I used the blue band for my pull ups, knew it would be slow, and it was. My last Fran time was 7:12, all jumping pull-ups. The thrusters were definitely easier, so that shows how horrible the pull ups were. Slow, slow, slow! There is that something extra special when you do a wod that includes something that you really think you can't do, that you just won't be able to do no matter how hard you try. I ended up doing 8 jumping pull ups the first round and 6 the second. I did the final round with the band, but they were one at a time there at the end. Even though it was tough, it is pretty great to be able to do that many banded pull ups, when I could do a grand total of 1 in October.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Great job today Leah.
    On another note, I made the butternut squash you have listed on your paleo recipes. SOoooooo good, thank you!
    -Emily Rad
