Saturday, January 16, 2010

No Lazy Shoulders!

Burgener Warm-up with the 15# bar
Snatch on the minute for 8 minutes 35#

Then we did x5 at our own pace, increasing the weight
35, 38, 45 (PR), 45, 45

I didn't even realize until just now, but this morning was a 12# PR on the snatch. That is still excruciatingly low, but I plan on seeing great gains on this lift during 2010. :)

I had that pesky right shoulder pain again, that mysterious, unknown, shooting pain. It showed up early on this time, and that was very frustrating for me. I can't just keep wandering around, avoiding this lift, hoping no one notices that I can't do it to save my life. I do actually want to be able to do this. So today I tried again to narrow my grip ever so slightly. That didn't make it go away. Then I worked hard on pulling my shoulders back for the lift, keeping them from rolling forward, especially when I pulled the bar overhead. I think this might be it! This seemed to be what kept my shoulder pain free and helped to keep my more stable.

5 rounds
7 thrusters 45#
12 Box Jumps 16"
50 m. sprint
Time: 8:02

My poor arms were still tired and sore, so 45# was perfect today and allowed me to work on making each transition effective. I owe much to Joc for pushing me so hard on the last 2 rounds!

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