Friday, April 9, 2010

Today is Hard to Put into Words

1 power clean, then 1 squat clean
113-both were PCs
so then 113 squat clean (PR)
118 (f)

That was definitely a PR for the squat clean since my last squat clean recorded was 83#. Everything higher than that has been a power clean.

WOD (or what I thought was the WOD...)
5 rounds
2 x 10 Russian KBS (53#)
on the minute
immediately after the 2nd round of KBS, run 100m

I don't like the 53# KB. It is heavy. In the middle of the 4th round, I switched to the 44# because my lower back is still tight from those amazing back squats I just did. None of the powers that be at the box seem to realize how taxing those blasted squats were. But the kettlebells were heavy and the running was, well running.

Then after we finish this, Sam tells us that it is time to start the WOD. Start the WOD. What did we just do?!? Of course if I had know that we still had a WOD, I would have put my foot down and used the 35# KB, and I would have whined and whined and whined and only run 50m. Sam can be evil sometimes, just so you all know. I always knew he had this potential, but I didn't know that he would enjoy being evil quite as much as he did today.

WOD, part 2
500 m row
then 3 times:
7 pull ups
7 push ups
250 m row
then 2 times:
7 pull ups
7 push ups
100 m row
then 1 time:
7 pull ups
7 push ups
Time: 8:26

It was horrible. I started this WOD so frustrated, not scared, not nervous, just plain old mad. I did not want to do it. I had made a deal with myself before class that I would go, but that I would just not work all that intensely. I would just go and try to fly under the radar a bit. This didn't work at all. Not at all.

All I could do was get on the rower, close my eyes, and pull. Then I huffed and puffed during every transition. By the last row, I felt sick to my stomach.

But you know what? Every single time I got to the push ups, I said to myself, "I could just do knee push ups and they would be so easy." But every single time I had to do the real ones because I know I can, and I know that I would regret it later if I didn't.

And now that it is all over, Sam is my friend again, but he will never know this since he is afraid to read this post. Golden isn't my friend since he just laughed at me the whole afternoon, but whatever. And Kyle may not be my friend because he won't agree with me that I should just repeat 203 for my back squats next week...


  1. Oh my gato, Leah. I started laughing and clapping (literally) when I read this post. I heart you and I love reading your blog!

  2. :) Thanks, Emily.

    I am now thinking that even Kyle might have to be un-friended since he probably knew what was going to happen and failed to warn me to just leave while I had a chance.

  3. probably the best day I have had in a long time. Possibly better than my 50 kill streak on Modern Warfare 2.... well let's not get carried away, still a great day tho.

  4. hahahah! I love this post. I'm glad I wasn't there for you to de-friend.
    Also, if you are going to be working on your olifting may I request proper terminology of the the lifts? :)

    I heart you!

  5. leah! too bad we weren't in the same class yesterday. we had a lot of the same thoughts... i was the only one at 4pm. when sam announced the second wod, i patiently waited for him to say he was joking. hahaha. oh well. i believe i didn't gather the strength to leave the gym until 5:30. yay, crossfit.

  6. Leslie! Umm, you probably had it worse, to be the only one. I too just sat around for a long time, waiting for my muscles to work properly again...
    Don't you love that we do all this willingly? :)
