Monday, December 13, 2010

Keeping my eyes off the scale

I know that reading some one's workout log is very uninteresting, and it is honestly fairly uninteresting to write it out as well. That, coupled with some extra busyness, has made keeping up with this blog a lower priority.

So I am going to aim to write about something, anything, even a little thing, that is somehow related to fitness and health at least a couple times a week.

First up: another reminder to not be a slave to the scale.

This article was posted by Dr. Michale Eades-Weight in Hollywood. You know the type of article-the history of models moving from curvy to stick thin. And then this article provides some examples of a possible move back to the more curvy model.

But this is what really struck me-

"The average American woman wears a size 14. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), she’s also 5'3", weighs 164.7 pounds, and has a 37-inch waist..."

This was once again a needed reminder for me to not be obsessed with the scale. It is very easy for me to get discouraged or frustrated with my current weight, even while I am thrilled with all the weight I have lost. Sometimes I just wish that I was little and light.

But then I know that I don't really want to be little and light because I also really like being strong. I just want to be a little lighter, a little littler.

But why did that quote that stand out to me? It struck me because I am still 20 pounds heavier than the average American woman. 20 pounds heavier. That is the part that still doesn't sit well with me. But then the rest of the story starts to sink in-I am a size 10 and my waist is 4 inches smaller than this average woman, that one who is lighter than me.

So I am reminded that I can't live by the scale. I just have to keep on doing the right things-eating well, exercising, and sleeping enough. I just keep on and the changes keep happening, even if that scale isn't moving very quickly.

And I still plan to lose those 20 pounds.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leah! I'm late reading your blog, made it to (stuck on the) east coast now and missing you guys. I like this post especially the phrase "a little littler." You are a WHOLE LOT stronger than the average American woman, and who wants to be average? Just keep making those PRs and writing in this blog so I can follow you from afar! :) Miss you, Leslie
