Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Couch to 5k plan

A few weeks ago I decided that I needed to tackle this running problem with some clear goals and tasks.  When I have something that I really want or need to accomplish, I need a plan.  I can't do varied and random very well.  It just isn't in my nature to do a lot of random work with a random schedule.  This certainly does not mean I don't like CF. I like and need the challenge of doing new things, doing the unexpected, and doing the things that I would never program for myself.  I just need both-the plan and the varied.

So I am doing the Couch to 5k running program.  I just finished up week 3 this morning. 

I have attempted this program twice before and I have never made it past week 2 because it was so painful to run.  There is no pain so far this time, and that makes this all infinitely more doable. 

My run this morning was beautiful: warm weather, the smells of the apple orchards, the dahlias and roses, and lots of nice people who drive past and wave.  Having people drive past with a wave is extra motivation to keep my happy face on while I run.  :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Overhead Squat
53x2, 73x2, 93x2, 108x2, 113x2

And my shoulder felt strong the whole time.  Progress, progress!

AMRAP in 7 minutes
Thruster 1, 2, 3, 4...
Box Jump 1, 2, 3, 4...

Rounds-7 plus 8 thrusters

I decided to take it easy on the thrusters since I still really don't want to tweak my shoulder any more.  After probably a year of having it get tweaked on snatches, thrusters, and kipping pull ups, I am determined to work carefully.  So I went with 53#, admittedly nice and light, and everything felt great.  I do notice that my right shoulder, the one that I have always had trouble with, starts to fatigue much earlier than the left and I start to feel lop-sided.  There you go, more than you ever wanted to know about my shoulder!

I went with the 20" box since it was a low number of box jumps each round.  No misses.  That is notable for me.

Then after class I decided to be brave and work a tiny little bit on my kipping swing again.  The last time I tried this was about 2 months ago and my shoulders HURT immediately.  So in the meantime, I've been doing more mobility work, getting some work done on my shoulders by Marcus, and icing every once in a while.  No pain this time.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Love lifting heavy

I am going to give this another try...


These weren't as tough as I thought they would be. I must stay focused long enough to complete my second rep with the same form as the first. Good idea, right? It is easier on the back when I do that too.

800 m run
then 4 rounds:
8 hang snatches
8 burpees
finish with:
400 m run


So the good things in a wod like this-
The 400 m turn around gives you some downhill running.
The final run was 400 not 800.
I kept the snatches light, super light and my shoulder doesn't bother me at all.
I finished.

I probably don't even need to mention the bad things in a wod like this.

Yesterday I did some squats.
Back Squat

Then 5 rounds-
Butcher sprints 50#
rest 1 min

I love back squats.