Thursday, October 14, 2010

Circuit Training

Hang Clean + Clean
103-failed the hang clean, no problem with the clean

Overall, my cleans felt good. I will obviously be working on that good, old second pull.

3 rounds
1 min max box jumps 20" -18/16/14
30 sec rest
1 min max push press 53# -20/19/17
30 sec rest
1 min max plate sit ups 15# -31/21/28
30 sec rest
1 min max row -249/240/256... no glide :)

As exhausting as it is, I really like this type of wod-a set time for hard work, then a little break. As just so there is no confusion, I like the 1 min of work type, not the interval Helen type. But I do have to say that all my wods this week have been great, lots of variety, and plenty of stuff that was hard.

I just got more ZMA, so I am happy with sleep again. I shouldn't have waited so long to get more, but I always think that maybe I can just skip it. Then my sleep gets wonky, and I humble myself, walk into GNC again, and get the stuff. You'd think I'd just remember to order the stuff online, since I detest GNC so much, but I'll aim for that next time.

I am almost done with week 1 of my 2-4 week elimination diet, hoping to figure out if something I am eating is still causing some allergic reactions. My diet is seriously sad right now, but I feel great. I just have a hard time thinking of things to eat, so I am hungry a lot more. A lot...


  1. Here is the ZMA I order online. It is way cheaper than GMC, especially if you buy 2 at a time. It also is a capsule instead of the yucky tablet you get from GNC.

    I would say that you should go 4 weeks on that elimination diet... but you already know that dont you ;)

    I am glad you like the interval type stuff. I think this is really the heart of crossfit and you will be seeing much more of it.

  2. GNC or T-Nation...hmmm I don't know which is worse.

    4 weeks is a long time. Did you know that most people who go on an allergy elimination diet still get to eat things like rice, and quinoa, beans and nuts. They even eat fruit (well, I'll be honest and tell you that I have had some this week. There is really, truly a limited amount of meat and vegetables that one can eat in a day.)

  3. Well, those people are silly! This is an auto immune elimination diet... we are taking it up a notch.

    AND, I think a little fruit is necessary!
