Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Slow Death by Burpees

Front Squat
super set 3 box jumps

The front squats were no problemo, but this notion that I am supposed to jump up onto the box, like the 2nd pull of a clean is so far alluding me...This is one of the great things about all of this-I get to the point that I can jump on a box (yeah me!) and then I get to learn a new way to jump onto the box.

Golden decided to work in with my bar, and then he decided to ramp up my training a bit-jumping all over the place, making a lot of noise all in an effort to teach me focus and concentration. It is fabulous to have so many people looking out for me. It is this going the extra mile to help another person that makes me really appreciate CFWSC so very, very much.

teams of 3 (with Joanna and Julie)
Each member completes-
500 m row sprint
10 burpees
then each completes-
300 m row sprint
20 burpees
100 m row sprint
30 burpees

I kept my first split time under 2:00, my second under 1:56, and my third under 1:52. I went into the wod knowing that I really, really needed to work hard to keep the rows sprints, not slowing down in an effort to "prepare" for the burpees. I have come to realize that there is no preparing for the burpees. They are just nasty at any time.

In fact I am quite sore today and I attribute that solidly to the burpees. There is no question in my mind that it was the many burpees on Sat followed by the many burpees on Tuesday that led to this discomfort. There is no way that the halting sndl, front squats, bear complex, or cleans have anything to do with my tight knees. It is all burpees.

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