Saturday, July 10, 2010

Front Squat

AMRAP in 12 Minutes
7 Kettlebell Swings 53#
10 Ball Slams 25#
12 Lateral Jumps
Rounds-8 +7 KBS

What can I say? This was a great wod, with a chance to work on the heavier KBS and time to do my fave-lateral jumps. I was in that wonderful place of feeling like I should move faster, but my legs were just too sore and slow...

I obviously didn't do well with my rest day yesterday, cuz I am way too sore today. Even as I write this, hours later, I am still sore. I don't want to admit to not foam-rolling, or taking enough fish oil, or drinking enough water, or getting enough sleep. All of those reasons place way too much responsibility in my lap.

So I'll blame it on something totally random. It was probably the stress of actually being at the speedway, getting all that mud flung on me, sitting on muddy metal bleachers, and the said bleachers being cold enough to just about literally freeze my bum off. It was fun, but it was like being in another world! And it just really, really seemed like the "right" thing to do was to drink a beer while there. But I can't. I can't ever go to a ball game, or eat Mexican food, or as in last night, watch old beat up 4 cylinder cars race around a little track and drink a beer (gluten-free beer is not very good...) So I ate peanut M&M's. Yep, I did.

They were good. Just so you know.

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