Sunday, July 25, 2010

Open Gym Again

Back Squats
I did some extra credit squats today.

Someone asked me after I was done how they felt, and I gave a quick reply of "great" or something equally descriptive. Later on, thought about it a bit more and realized that the first time I did 208 for reps, I was nervous for hours before, I was nervous during, and it was taxing to get through the sets. It is so encouraging to really see the progress when I thought about today, compared to a couple months ago.

25 yd sled sprints x8 with 65#
I was supposed to have 1 minute rest, but I am pretty sure I was given closer to 30 sec.

3x15 GHD sit ups

1x15 GHD Russian Twists 12# ball

One of the fun things about open gym is seeing a variety of people working on a huge variety of things. I love seeing people who are new to open gym, people who have been doing it for awhile, people who have a clear plan, and people who just come in and figure something out. It is great to see someone try Helen for the first time, or try Christine, thinking it was only 1 round. :) Way to finish it anyway, Lolo! You never know who you'll get to see Olympic lifting or who you can just sit around and chat with.


  1. That was me there Olympic lifting! Remember? Also, you did great but I just wanted to point out that the sled sprints have to be super fast and physically taxing enough warrant a 1 min rest.

  2. Yes, and you were pretty awesome, even with the POWER snatches. :)

    There was a reason I didn't make any comment at all about the shorter rest while I was doing the workout. I knew you would say that!

  3. You didn't need to comment. I could see it in your eyes:) Or lack of hyperventilation rather.
