Sunday, April 18, 2010

Open Gym

Power Cleans
repeat 2 more times

5 rounds
200 m row
10 DB thrusters 25#
10 ball slams 25#
Time: 12:37

She knew how much I struggled with the DB thrusters just last month, and she lulled me into thinking that she sympathized with my awful plight. And then she went and gave me DB thrusters today. Joc betrayed me. It hurts, people. It hurts.

This was one of those great workouts where even round 1 is bad. If the WOD is 3 rounds, I can pretty much handle a bad first round. I just tell myself that I am a third done and oh, so close to being half done. This doesn't work so well on a 5 round wod. After the first round, you are just left thinking about the vast number of rounds still to come.

But I will admit to having one or two moments of not being able to "turn off my mind" as was being yelled at me because my mind was telling me to just quit. I had to finish that thought. I could just throw the dumbbells down, lay on the floor, and say that I quit. But quitting would probably demonstrate a major character flaw. That can't be good.

My other option was to say that I just couldn't do it. But then why couldn't I do it? It didn't hurt too much. It wasn't bothering my leg. I hadn't been able to will myself to throw up yet. I couldn't come up with a reason to quit except that it was hard.

And I keep telling myself that I can do hard things, that I can like doing hard things. But sometimes my mind argues this little point. But I am learning to ignore it just a little more each time I do a workout like this one...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leah remeber to post the poem of your AWESOME Crossfit skills:):):) If you don't remeber it you can go to my blog.

    Love Lizzy
