Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Not Very Tough Today


Oops! I just realized that I was supposed to be doing power cleans, not cleans...Oh well, I was just way to excited about nailing those cleans, squat and all. It usually feels like the progress on these in infinitesimal (it feels like that because it is) but then I realize that I am getting really, really comfortable with the heavier end of my clean ability (instead of feeling like it is possible, if all of the stars are aligned correctly that day, to get 95#, I know I can get it now.)

5 rounds
5 jerks 83#
7 ring pull ups
200 m run
Time: 12:29

This part of the class was not so spectacular for me. I am not very happy with my performance on this one, primarily because I kind of gave up during round 4. During this round I didn't keep the jerks unbroken, even though I really could have, and I walked back into the box instead of running the whole way. I think I even broke up the pull ups. I was able to get it together for the last round and keep everything unbroken. So this was not an example of mental toughness or great dedication to the task.

I am now used to a nap on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And I didn't get a nap today, so I am going to have to hobble through the rest of the night.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't catch that either. I guess I was so excited they looked so good! The best yet in fact. As for the workout, I suppose you take the good with the bad right?
