Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Have I learned?

Snatch Deadlift + Power Snatch
33, 53, 58, 63, 68

I was supposed to really focus on a nice slow deadlift and a pause at the top, trying to really grasp the feel of a slower first pull. When I then did the power snatches, I had varied success, but I could really, really tell the difference when I pulled slowly off the floor and THEN moved faster. Hah, I kind of feel like a nincompoop now and I marvel at the patience of a coach willing to tell me over, and over, and over again to pull slowly from the floor...And I will probably still mess it all up next week.

30 Deadlifts 143#
200 m run
30 KBS 36#

Who actually likes to do 30 deadlifts in a row? Not me, for sure. I also don't really like to do 30 KBS in a row, so all of that makes the run seem wonderful. But I seriously do not even know how people can actually do heavy kettle bells after deadlifts because my back hates me with this combo. Hate might be a little strong, but it complains, a lot.

Even with all of this, it was a great night at the box-lots of people, lots of energy, lots of fun.

In other news, I am announcing a brief return to hard-core, no cheats paleo-zone. This will last for a whole 23 days since I will cheat while I am on vacation. I need to look up what my previous block breakdown was, but I am going to be in militant lean out mode-no dairy, no fruit, and no nuts. I'll cheat a little bit while in New York, and then I'll be militant again until Thanksgiving. Then I'll think about how militant I want to be...

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention the keeping your chest up part. You did that too!
