Monday, September 13, 2010

Maybe those mobility wods are working


Hang Power Clean+Power Clean
93x2 (missed the first hpc, so started over)
103xa gazillion (or more accurately at least 6 power cleans)

And then, and then, get this...I also had to fix and hold the receiving position on all those 103s until Joc had approved it and felt that I had held it long enough. One could argue that I would have saved myself a lot of work if I had just received it with my elbows and hips in the right place, but that would be a boring argument.


Evidently my grip is somewhat lacking. I got to that last set and realized that I had to fly through those deadlifts before my grip just gave out.

GHD sit ups 3x15

Front Squat 2RM

But there is no way that is my 2 RM. I was running out of time, and I was just not prepared-like I forgot to use my belt until the last set...I think that I was probably off because I got into so much trouble during the warm up. That will throw anyone off.

4 rounds
200 m sandbag run
15 ring pull ups
Time: 11:20

So, that sandbag. I started with the 25#, cuz I was going to be hardcore. Then I decided that I was far from hardcore, especially when I can't use my arms to run and I don't want to stand up straight. Rounds 2-4 were sans sandbag.

And this time is not good, not good at all compared to the last time I did this wod. I did do it with rowing last time, which I tend to do better with, and I did blue band pull ups (which I noted at the time were very easy.)

Then we got to do the evil hip/wall mobility thing for 2 minutes each leg. It was painful and awful, but it was markedly less painful and awful that last week.

1 comment:

  1. a gazillion? if by gazillion you mean like 5 or 6 then that would be accurate:) Anyway, dont you feel like a better athlete now?
