Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Russian Squat Cycle

Leah Takes on the Russian Squat Cycle from Jocelyn Forest on Vimeo.

So looking back, I am not 100% sure why I decided to start the squat cycle, except that I like back squats, had the extra time, and was ready for a clear challenge. I knew it would be rough at times, and I knew that I would have to just stick with it and see it through, even if I didn't really want to at times. I squatted 3 times a week for the 6 week cycle. I am know that there are longer and harder squat cycles, but this one was plenty for me. In the end I am very glad I did this, and I am glad it is finished!

The whole cycle was tough at times, and I owe big thanks to my coach Jocelyn Forest (who thought this whole thing up and is amazingly inspiring and supportive, not to mention super patient whenever I was whining or worrying) and to Kyle Haynes (who didn't come up with this idea, but is still inspiring, supportive and patient.)

Now if anyone is just fascinated with this idea, here are some more thoughts on the whole cycle, but I realize that most people won't really care what I thought about during this venture. :)

The first week was tough in that I was nervous and excited about the whole venture. I was excited to have my own dedicated squat program, excited to have such focus, excited to try something like this. I was nervous to squat three times a week, nervous to squat 208 that many times period, and very nervous of failing. And on top of that I got a cold, the first cold in over a year, and I was super bummed about that, and nice and stressed that I was going to start this cycle and then fall behind or mess it all up in the very first week. But I made it. I slept A LOT this week, but figured it was because I was sick. I also had to work hard to eat a fairly normal amount of protein. I realized right away that I had to be very meticulous about my recovery, and I could see that I needed to be more particular about what I had previously thought of as all the little parts of the squat-my hand position on the bar, my approach to the bar, re-racking the bar...

The second week I felt GREAT! I was fully recovered and I now knew I could squat 208# over and over again and still live. My legs did feel really tired and heavy most of the time, but I felt very confident with the squats. I realized that I was still tired and ended up taking naps at least a couple times during the week.

Week three marked the first time I felt like I HAD to not just sit down, but lie down between sets. It was at this point that I realized the value of committing to the 6 week cycle. If I hadn't made this commitment, I would have decided to stop, take a break, or just lift less. I would have told myself that it really didn't matter, so I'd just do less. So much of the cycle really had more to do with my mental state than my physical state. Because I had the time, it wasn't really that hard to ice, foam roll, eat and sleep. It was harder to believe that I could get the work done and sometimes it was very hard to not give up. I certainly do not have a lifetime habit of pushing myself physically, so this was not the norm for me!

Week four was when the cycle changed from various rep schemes at 208 to various rep schemes at increasing weights. I LOVED being able to return to my now safe and happy 208x2x6 following a heavier set. 208 was now my very, very good friend. There were times when it was exhausting to think about a metcon, let alone actually getting it done, and if it hadn't been for a coach pushing me through, I would have skipped out on the metcons this week.

Week five and six were h.a.r.d. I added ice baths to my recovery, moaned a lot, and fretted about every upcoming squat day. I had reached a new level of exhaustedness after my squat days so I started eating sweet potatoes. At this point it was very clear that if I had not had the constant support of Joc, I would not have finished. It was also clear that I really also needed the help of Kyle, as he was my spotter (and supporter) extraordinaire. Week 6, my last lift at 258#, was also my first miss.

When I finally maxed out, I felt ready, both physically and mentally. I love lifting the heavy weights, but I am also happy to see the changes in how I mentally approach the gym and the hard work that often faces me there. I am more and more confident, and there is no doubt that this cycle has a lot to do with that. I hit 273# for my final single. I so appreciated that several people made special effort to cheer me on for that lift-Joc, Kyle, Vero, and Lolo.


  1. Woo! Go Leah! And good job on the video interview. :) Watching you do it is more impressive than just looking at the pictures.

  2. It must be so cool that your coach also has the directing and video making abilities to provide you with documentation of all your suffering:) But really, I am very proud of you. Can't wait to see what happens next.

  3. Leah, I just did a PR of 118 # back squat and it was hard. I am so inspired by your strength and positive attitude . These videos are really terrific. No, YOU are really terrific!! Love to be able to watch it. Thanks.

  4. Way to go Leah! -Osanna

  5. Leah, all the work you've put in to CrossFit is inspiring! Thank you for sharing.
