Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I should have stopped thinking...

Overhead Squat 3rm
warm up with the bar
then shoulder and hip mobility
then retest with the bar-it was definitely easier to do
and then I ran out of time, but that is ok since every squat was slow and almost painful

4 rounds
10 plate cleans 25#
20 OH Lunges
10 Ring Pull Ups
Time: 11:55

This was my first night back in Kyle's class after months...
And how was it? Well, considering that the overhead squats were just super enjoyable and easy, even those plate SQUAT cleans were a blast. Starting in round 2, every single squat went like this-
This is ridiculous. This should be easy. This is just 25 pounds. This is just an air squat with 25 pounds, I used to have to air squat more that all the time when I was fatter. I mean, really, shouldn't I be flying through plate cleans with at least the 45 pounder? Ugh, why is it so hard to squat right now?!? And what am I supposed to do to cycle these together? Awkward.

As you can see, I had to move slowly just to think all of those thoughts.

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