Sunday, January 10, 2010

The fun of family!

A bunch of us were together (only 14 this time) for dinner Saturday night, and my mom made me my own, fabulous paleo sweat and sour pork. Yum! I have a great mom!

I wanted to test my max push ups, real, true, no cheating-at-all push ups, so I had my dad count them at our family dinner this evening. He is a super strict judge for things like this. I only had 8, but they were perfect! My dad told my 16 year old brother that my form is better than his. :) Serves him right since the kid told me that he could hardly stand to be seen with me if I kept wearing baggy jeans and my CF sweatshirt.

Of course, then almost everyone had to show off their push up form. See, these are the fun things that big families do-push ups and making fun of each other, it makes you stronger in so many ways!

And I was getting tired of zucchini, so I had to change up the saute recipe a bit tonight. Nice and simple!

Spicy, Garlicky Zukes

4-5 zucchini, sliced

2-3 garlic cloves, minced

1/2-1 jalapeno, chopped

salt and pepper

Saute the zucchini in a bit of oil. When the zucchini has just barely started to soften, add the garlic and jalapenos and toss. Cook for only a few minutes more, just enough to allow the garlic to soften, but not become brown and crispy. Season with salt and pepper.

Then serve with the pulled pork you made earlier for a great dinner! (I really, really need to learn to take better food shots...)

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