Thursday, January 7, 2010

Watch out Grace, here I come...

So I found this very enlightening and rather disgusting illustration today. This is a handy visual of what Kyle and Joc keep telling me to remember...

The yellow, pitiful fat clocks in at a calorie burning rate of a measly 3 calories per day. I have lost 11 of these blobs. I have added an unknown number of of the sleek, slim, super worthwhile muscles with their calorie burning rate of a 30-50 calories per day at rest.


BB pull ups-10 painstaking, broken but still done, pull ups

Dynamic Back Squats 10x2 at 65% 1RM, 30 sec rest between sets



4 rounds

5 power cleans + push presses 83#

10 ball slams 25#

15 box jumps (subbed for the Rx'd double unders)

Time: 9:44

Why did this wod intimidate me so much? I agreed to the 83#, and knew I needed to do that, but I sure wanted my comfortable old 63#...I have it in my mind that clean and jerks at 83# will be too hard for me. Logically this makes no sense. I got through it and really, the worst part was the box jumps.

1 comment:

  1. Leah, you beat my time by 2 minutes with the same weight,the only thing I did different were the double unders (and I don't know if the box jumps would have been faster for me). Congratulations to your recent Strict Press PR! Your pullups will be here before you know it. Keep up the hard work! ~Wesley
