Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Not What I Wanted

103, 108, 118 (PR)

Row 1500m
Time: 6:59

I wanted to get a higher number on the jerk than I did. I wanted to not have a pounding headache and a bad neck. I wanted to do the regular wod. (Well, honestly, I didn't really want to do the wod. It would have been a fun one-the other 3 in class completing each of the 5 minute rounds with plenty of rest, and me having to turn around with like 10 seconds of rest-fun! But part of what drives me at CF is at least sort of wanting to do the wod.)

But now I know that I can row more than 500 m! :) How about that?!?

The headache has made me remember that I used to feel like this most of the time. I would go through months of daily headaches and/or shoulder and neck pain. Now, it has been months since I have had one day with a headache, so this is definitely a good, good change.

I'm planning on no pain tomorrow. :)


  1. Why the headache? Exertion or just natural?
    118#? How was the drop under the bar? Were you just falling or really pushing yourself?


  2. hey we can be rant buddies and cry on our blogs about getting injured. ya!
    jk jk good job on the row.

  3. It feels pretty good to cry about CF on a blog sometimes...I don't know if I can ever rant quite as well you you, Golden.

    The headache-not exertion. I really think it was actually a gluten headache that just caused me to grit my teeth all day and just be all tense because it hurt, so then my neck and shoulder hurt. For the life of me, I can't figure out what I ate, but it was a nasty headache that the jerk didn't really help.
