Thursday, January 14, 2010

Power Cleans, Pull Ups and Box Jumps

These are a few of my favorite things...
(not quite, but...)

Max Chin Ups x5
Blue Band: 7, 5, 4, 5, 5

10 minutes
AMRAP power cleans 93#
*but do 3 high box jumps at the top of each minute
45 cleans

How can I not adore Kyle?!? A class with three things that I am so determined to improve! If only he hadn't put the inch worm in the warm up...

I wasn't too happy about doing max chin-ups after doing max pull-ups last night, but it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Since I am counting chin ups in my pull up total, I am up to 211 this month.

Then we get to the wod...I got to use 93# since I opened my big mouth last week (and since my sister was using 93#.) I missed a few lifts, but this time, I tried to shake it off and then work on doing what I knew I should be able to do.

I want to move up to the 20" box sometime in the next century, but the difference from 16 to 20 was too scary, so I had never even tried to jump onto it once. I did use it tonight, but only for the first round. On the second round I smacked my shin and moved down to the 16 inch. So yeah, I just kept up with the power cleans, even with that excruciating pain. I am that tough. :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree, the 20" box *is* scary! Making the progression gradually seems the way to go. I'm so impressed by those folks who can do the high boxes - a great goal to shoot for.
