Monday, January 11, 2010

Learning to Like the Unlikable


Overhead Squat 7x2

43, 53, 53, 63, 68, 73, 78

My dread of the OHS is diminishing! I didn't have to warm up with the 15# bar. I felt much more stable. I didn't have to drop the bar at all. My wrists didn't hurt. I don't have to live in dread of the next OHS day. Whew! One less thing to worry about!

But then we had to do squats and broad jumps. I can't jump, just can't. So I don't enjoy this exercise, as I don't normally enjoy doing things that make me feel like a nincompoop. That's why I don't like the dumb inch-worm exercise either, or that ninja roll, or... Who really wants to inch their bum up into the air, lose their balance while trying to jump forward, or roll on their back and have trouble back up?!?

But I do it all
for at least part of the prescribe time
most of the time...

10 Clean and Jerks 88#
200 m. run
10 Clean and Jerks 78#
100 m. run
10 Clean and Jerks 73#
50 m. run
Time: 7:19

I will use 93# for the next wod with a reasonable number of cleans...I really will...


  1. SO this is where you have been spending your blogging time.... ;)

  2. hehe. you said nincompoop. its fun when you can start checking off those goats right? speaking of, we forgot to set up an assessment meeting. let me know what your schedule is like.
