Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finally broke 118#

Find a new Clean 1RM
83x1, 103x1, 113x1, 123(f), 123(f), 118x1, 123x1, 128x1

I have tried 118 over and over and always come up just short. I still wasn't able to squat clean the higher weights, but I did manage to keep myself under the bar this time. My new PR was a power clean, so I must still work on dropping...Wesley selflessly urged me on to the 128, even though it will knock her off the board-that's a friend. :)

Now to work on that squat clean...

1 min row for cal. 19
1 min. rest
2 times:
30 sec. max reps thrusters 73#
30 sec. max reps ball slams 20#
30 sec. max reps KBS 35#
1 min. rest
1 min, row for cal.
1 min. rest
2 times
30 sec. max reps thrusters 73#
30 sec. max reps ball slams 20#
30 sec. max reps KBS 35#
1 min. rest
1 min, row for cal.

Pure fun right there folks...


  1. Well, it is your birthday. Good for you! Congrats!

  2. Happy Birthday Leah!!! And awesome job on the clean!
