Friday, February 19, 2010

The Impromptu WL Speech

Another Rest Day...

Last night at dinner, someone had the brilliant idea to have each person at dinner give a brief impromptu speech. One person gave a speech, then he picked the next speaker and picked the speaker's topic. When I was picked, I had no idea what topic I would be given...

It was weight lifting. One of the teachers had seen some of my Facebook updates, and wanted to hear more about it. So I talked about why I started, what I was doing, and why I kept doing it. What an easy impromptu! I was so very, very glad that I got to talk about that and not Edgar Allen Poe. I am not a Poe fan.

One of the questions posed to me was about trust. Was it hard to trust the trainers? Did I trust that the trainers would watch out for me and my well-being?

I said yes, I really do, and I gave a quick answer as to why I trust the trainers, but it is now something that I am thinking more deeply about...


  1. no... we can't have a... we need you do finish that thought!

  2. I agree Joc. Leah, shoot me an email please so I can get your address. I have something I would like you to read.
