Monday, February 8, 2010


Overhead Squat
33x5, 53x3, 63x2, 73x2, 83x1, 88x1, 93x1, 98(f)

PR of 10# (from 12/09) Whoo-hoo! Fun to get a PR on a lift that I struggled with for so long. I didn't get quite deep enough on the 98#. By the time I tried it again, I was just getting too worn out and after a 2nd failed attempt, I wasn't up for it again.

From CF Football
4 rounds
1 full gasser
5 Hang Power Cleans 83#
Rest 1 minute after each round
Time: 8:54

So, when I was getting ready for this workout, I had these great plans to go heavy. I was going to be the full-on heavy lifter. But I chickened out. Once I really thought about doing the cleans without dropping the bar, I didn't want to bring the bar down with anything over the 83#. Then I really thought about the fact that I had to do the cleans after the sprints. Not my thing.

So in the end, the PCs were not hard, but what was hard was controlling my breathing. It was just take a big breath, work really hard to hold it even though every fiber of my being wanted to keep taking deep breaths, lift, and repeat five times. Good times at CFWSC yet again!


  1. Heck ya! Congrats on the huge PR! You rock.

  2. Hey #2, I put your post up tonight on the CFLG website. People deserve to read it everywhere. There already some comments up if you want to respond.
