Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back Squats at 198

Back Squat 5x5

SNPP 3x3
(And oops, I just noticed that I was supposed to go heavier than that!)

So, I was the trainer's nightmare tonight...I was incredibly slow. It was a huge class. I didn't grab a station fast enough and got stuck with the movable rack in the middle of the floor. So many people walking around, so much activity, so not my ideal lifting situation. Huge classes on back squat day make me nervous. I take a long time to do the 5x5. I have to warm up a several times. Really, do people just slap on their weight and go?!? I don't think I can do that. I felt like I was taking less rest than I often do, but I was still slow. I think I'm going to have to get to class early on the next back squat day.

And now reading this the next day, it sure sounds pretty whiny. It really was a great class, and I got to be there with some of my favorite people. That is probably part of my problem: I might have been talking too much. :)

Golden, you were right to point out that I was going down in the squat too fast. I slowed down for the last set and it was easier.

So the class wod started without me...
So I got to do my own wod...

3 rounds
10 power cleans 103#
10 burpees
Time: 9:37

Cleans were hard, and I had about 4 misses. Burpees were just as wonderful as always.


  1. I am ALWAYS right :) thanks for the pics!

  2. Well that's what happens when you start lifting really heavy. You just need more time.
    Also, Golden had good advice because he's one of our better trainers/employees.
