Monday, March 22, 2010

It is Good to Do Hard Things

Back Squat 5x5 at 193#

Got them all and they felt more solid than the 190 last week. All of this came after much back and forth on the validity of deloading and failure and keeping up with a training partner and all that jazz. I was happy that I was able to provide Sam with a great topic of discussion today. You know that without some prodding he is pretty quiet, so I was just doing my part to wrestle out some of that valuable information that he keeps locked away in that brain of his.

Heavy Grace
30 clean and jerks 98#
rest 1 min after 10 and 10 reps
Time-7:07 (not including rest)

It took me a nice long time to finish my back squats today. I am sure it had nothing to do with how crowded it was in the back of the gym, or how slow I am, but it was really that I had to keep moving out of Golden's line of site every time he did his overhead squat holds. That cost me a lot of time.

So I got to do the wod all by myself after class. I don't think I thought much about the wod before it started because I finished the first clean, was just about ready to drop it, and then realized that I also had to jerk it. Um, yeah...I don't like to jerk 98# 30 times. But I don't always get to do what I like. So I just had to go a bit slower, concentrate on the jerk and try, try, try not to press it.


  1. Was that sarcasm in the first paragraph? It better not be.

  2. There was actually a tiny bit of sarcasm in a couple of paragraphs...but you know that I love you, and I love that you love to talk about so many things. :)
