Friday, March 26, 2010

The Slowest of the Day

Overhead Squat
find a new 2 RM...
I made it to 78#, which is not a PR, and stopped. My shoulders are just way to tight for this today.

15, 10, 5
Backsquats 183#
KBS 44# (rx'd was 53#)
Time: 9:00

I think that I take the prize for the slowest time of the whole day, slowest out of every single class. That is ok, though. I was just really glad to finish this one. I came into class knowing this was the wod, and actually looking forward to it. I had no idea that I would have to BS this weight. I was figuring I'd do it at about 153# or so...I did a similar wod in December at 133# and that was super hard then. So, yeah, this was super, super hard.

And then we had to do a finisher.
with a partner, in 1 minute intervals, complete a total of:
2k row
50 presses 73#, then down to 63#

I was really trying to not have a bad attitude about that one. You know, trust the trainer and all that jazz. Everyone else had like double the rest I did. I was tired. I was sore. I was ready to be done. But I have to learn to keep going even when I don't want to, especially when it is hard, learn to just be tougher. Right?!?

I was going to make some paleo cookies to take to the sectionals tomorrow, but now we'll have to see if I can stand up that long.

1 comment:

  1. Thats how I feel at practice when we do intervals and I get less rest. Just got to figure it is making you a better athlete and a stronger person.
