Saturday, March 6, 2010

Power Cleans
Failed on my last 118

As I was telling Joc, I used to be so content to just lift away with my awful form, even when I would get corrected over and over again. It was all I physically knew to do, so I just kept doing it, trying to do something a little different, but happy as a clam to just complete the lift. Now I know that it feels really different when I get it right, so it is far more frustrating to miss. But I am gradually working my way up, becoming more confident and correct with heavier weight a little at a time.

Partnered with Melissa
4 rounds each person
2 min. each round, 2 min. rest
Row 250 m
max rep thrusters
Thrusters 14/13/13/10

I was worn out on the last round! So worn out that I just. could. not. do. one. more. thruster...

But it was a good workout for me and an all-around great session of the box. This was a tough week for me with some big ups and downs in the gym, lots of stress from work, and lots of nights with less than optimal amounts of sleep.

Monday's workout was fantastic. It was hard, and I finished it well. Tuesday's front squats were great. Tuesday's workout was horrible. I'll admit it now, but I cried when it was over. I think I cried once or twice in my first month, but that was just because every single day was so hard and such a potent reminder of what horrible shape I was in. But that was just the first month.

I'm not totally sure why I cried or why the WOD was so hard for me. I think it was my mental state as I still get pretty freaked out inside when certain types of WODs show up. Anything with 400 m runs still makes me want to sneak out the door, and combos with running and burpees don't leave me much happier. I was freaking out in my mind before the WOD even started, so it was destined to be a lot tougher than it needed to be. I never corrected this and wanted to quit after the first round.

I was out on the second run trying to think of a way I could easily get out of finishing it. By the time I finished the last run and came in to finish my KBS and burpee pull ups, I figured the only way I would be able to get it done was to move down to the 35# KB. I told Kyle that I was going to do that. Kyle told me that I was not going to do that. He came over and pushed me through those 21 swings. That was a really good thing! It all would have been much worse after it was all over if I had not finished what I started. Then I finished the ugliest burpee pull ups imaginable. Then I sat down and realized I had tears in my eyes. What is that about!?! How embarrassing!

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