Sunday, May 2, 2010

GHD Sit Ups

I couldn't write this post any earlier because I was so tired I was afraid that I would never get up again if I sat down. I had to make dinner before I sat down, and making dinner was tough...but it did taste good.

70 f

It was hard getting into the groove today. Maybe I wasn't deliberate enough about my warm up. By the time I got to the 53# I felt like I was actually kind of, sort of allowing the bar to push me down into the squat.

5 rounds
200 m row
12 KBS 44#
7 GHD sit ups
Time: 13:22

I can't put any of these thoughts together-
This was a great wod, hard and doable at the same time.
Doing these Sunday wods by myself is helping me to concentrate more on pushing myself just because I need to, not because I don't want to be the last person to finish. That certainly makes it mentally a lot tougher for me.
I will admit that I was slow with the transitions. I really made sure those straps on the rower were just perfect each time.
I really noticed the difference it made in my rowing when I actually followed directions: pull hard for a count of 1, return slower for a count of 2. That actually gets you farther with less work. :)
This was my first time doing GHD sit ups. It was tough to do the first few because I didn't really believe that I wasn't going to flip right over. My abs started to ache within one hour of finishing the wod, but so far it isn't too bad.

1 comment:

  1. guess who has a computer again? i hope you're saying nice thing about me:)
    good job today on the workout. hope your abs aren't too too sore tomorrow. we should start putting those in more regularly to balance out your anterior chain w/ your posterior chain. you're great.
