Monday, May 24, 2010

Paleo Challenge 2.0 Retest, part 1

I am thah-rilled right now.

Back Squat 1RM

Previous 1RM on 1/19/2010 was 218#
Yep, that is a 45# PR, and I surpassed my goal of hitting 260.

Max Pull Ups
25 Green Band

Previously had 3 on 1/18/2010. I had been waffling between a goal of 10 or 12 pull ups. I hit 12 and knew I had 15. Then I just kept going.

I love seeing measurable progress!


  1. I'll get that photo to you tomorrow Leah. I've got to get it off of kyle's Iphone. You did great today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. oh I see how it is joxlin... "leah you're so great, blah, blah, blah", "golden, your squat sucks"

    Seriously though, Good Job Leah. When can I expect a muscle up? Hmmmmm?

  3. Um... I expected you to give me a little more credit for your accomplishments. I mean, come on Leah...

  4. Golden, I don't say that. I just shudder and make repulsed faces.

  5. Poor Golden. I am so sorry you don't feel special enough.

    A muscle up-funny! I still have to actually try an unassisted pull up...

    Kyle, you are fabulous and I wouldn't be able to do anything without you. But specifically I would have been crushed by my 268 attempt and I wouldn't have gotten nearly as many pull ups without you YELLING at me. :)

    (And with all this nice stuff, I have to say that Joc was a ton of help last night, too. It is pretty great to have someone who totally believes that it is possible for me to get the 275. I think I can get it soon too!)

  6. UNREAL, I love that picture too, go BS queen!!!
    (from Vero)
