Sunday, May 16, 2010

One Year Anniversary

One year ago I had my first elements class with Jocelyn (and my sister Anna.) In some ways it does not at all seem like it has been that long, but then on the other had so much has changed that it has to have been a long time.

Do you remember back in the day when they used to take class pictures all.the.time? I came in for my elements right after a Saturday morning class, so here is a picture of me that first day-

Having to be in a group picture right off the bat was a little unsettling, but it was good for me. If I was going to do this, then look at that-there I am.

My first elements wod was this-

4 rounds

3 Push Press 33#

6 squats

9 KBS 15#

Time: 3:40


  1. Congratulations on your one year anniversary Leah:-). What a commitment!!! 5*5*218 BS, I cannot wait to see your new max....
    It's fun to witness your amazing journey. Cheers from your French friends.

  2. Ya, 218 is your old 1RM. Pretty amazing. Also, the people need to know which one is you in that pic. And they need to see a pic of you now. Wait, we can take that next Monday when you max out and smash your old record by 50lbs:)
