Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Burpees are for Criminals

Skill: Bulgarian Split Squats

BB jump squats 53#
KBS 35#
200 m run after each triplet
Me-12 something

Burpees kill me every time. At least I had no trouble keeping the 21 KBS unbroken this time!

Week 3 of the revamped CF life check-in:
Diet: paleo-zone with half carb blocks is going very well. I didn't have too many days of feeling rotten, and I have lost 3 lbs.
Workouts: I'm up to 4 days of CF a week. I seem to be just as able to lift and move as before the diet change-still able to lift heavy and still can't run. Amazingly enough, no miracles have occurred, and I still need to work hard.

I've also realized some other changes from CF-
-I'll go to the store now in my exercise clothes. Sorry for those years of mocking you, sis. Sometimes you just have to do it.
-I've given up my long-lived belief that women glow, men perspire and pigs sweat. I sweat now. A lot. I'll just have to hold out hope that I glow when I'm not in the gym.
-I'll go to CF now, even when I am tired or feel a little under the weather. And I actually feel better after the WOD. Still amazes me every time. (But them sometimes the headache just comes back a couple hours later...I think I need a lot more sleep tonight.)


  1. Oh just wait until you start living in your sweats all together.

  2. Ha, you've given in to the gym rat attire :) I think you will still always believe I need to be more aware of my odor.
