Monday, November 30, 2009

My Pride...

Back Squat
Could have gone up, but I was not sand bagging this one. :) I just started too low. Doing these back squats did remind me that I need to practice dumping the weight because I never have, and I am afraid too... Not a good situation when the weight gets high...

Max Pull Ups: 5 with the blue band
Slow, yet steady improvement

9,6,3 Snatch 53#
21, 15, 9 Push Ups
21, 15, 9 Box Jumps
Time: 6:54

And for some more thoughts on my Thanksgiving post: I should explain that I am glad that there are people at the box who care enough and are kind enough to notice where everyone is in the WOD and what they need to push them through to the end. Without a doubt, this is part of the reason I love CF. Variations on this experience of finishing with the help of another Crossfitter have happened over and over, and I know that it is because of this that I have been able to get through many, many wods.

My post on Thanksgiving was written to reflect my own character flaw, not any problem I have with what happened. See, I am proud. In CF terms, I am still learning to check my ego at the door. I still have to fight my own tendency to back away from doing things that I know I can't excel in.

When I started the wod that morning, I knew that I was so, so far behind everyone else in that room. I knew that it would be tough to even finish. As I went out for the last run, it was the last thing I wanted to do. I was fighting the urge to cut the run to 200 m and call it quits. But I knew that I would regret that AFTER the wod was done, so I kept going. Because someone came out to run with me, I actually finished the run at a pace slightly faster than a walk. That is one of the great things about CF. I think the world of everyone mentioned in that post. :)

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