Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kyle Needs to Learn to Add

Push Press (63#), max reps x4
83# was too heavy, should have done 73#

4 rounds
50 yd lunge with KB overhead
21 KB swings
200 m sprint
2 minute rest
I forgot to write down my times, but they were all slow and in the 2:40-2:50 range, I think.

I made it through 2 rounds of lunges with the KB and then just lunged, KB swings at 15#, since I have no ability to lunge with any weight over-head, so this was the easy part of the cycle, yep, even easier than the rest time since I spent the whole rest hardly able to breath.

A careful observer will note that the total working time here was about 12 minutes. This seems to be just a tad more than the 3-5 minute range I was expecting after yesterday's wod...

Breakfast: 4 b. protein, 3 b. fat, 0.5 b. carbs
Lunch: 5 b. protein, 5 b. fat, 3 b. carbs
Post WOD Dinner: 5 b. protein, 4 b. fat, 4 b. carbs

Yep, I am pretty sure that I went over just a bit on my carbs. Those grapes were just too good...I felt great all day, until I got to CF. Then I just about died for the second day in a row. Now I am hungry, so I should probably eat my remaining 6 nuts (whoo-hoo!) and then just go to bed.


  1. Leah, I was so impressed by your effort today, you did amazing. I happen to remember that your first two rounds were 2:33 and your last was 2:22, I dont remember the 3rd rd time...

    These next couple weeks will be tough, but after that things will get easier and energy levels will be back up. I hope to see you tomorrow, we will personalize a workout for you if need be

  2. Yay! I was hoping you'd do this eventually! I'm excited for your new tweeks Leah. The first couple weeks will be tough no doubt, just like in the beginning. But once you adapt you'll be right back on your way! Oh, and your yesterday's workout is on my menu for tomorrow so I'm about to find out just how black hearted he is:)

  3. I am glad that the difficulty of June is not that long ago. I already feel like I was run over by a train.
